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When the normally smooth, firm lining of the arteries becomes thickened and roughened by deposits of fat, fibrin, calcium and cellular debris, it lessens the arteries ability to expand and contract, and slows the blood movement through narrowed channels. These conditions make it easier for blood clots to form, blocking the arteries and stopping blood flow completely. FIR is able to neutralize blood toxicity and smooth the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins.

When the normally smooth, firm lining of the arteries becomes thickened and roughened by deposits of fat, fibrin, calcium and cellular debris, it lessens the arteries ability to expand and contract, and slows the blood movement through narrowed channels. These conditions make it easier for blood clots to form, blocking the arteries and stopping blood flow completely. FIR is able to neutralize blood toxicity and smooth the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins.

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